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RSS Sanamnagji

Reward Points:1
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1 point

"Man is by nature a social animal." - Aristotle

No doubt we have the capability to observe, discern, and learn for 'ourselves,' however, we inevitably 'do' something with what we have just garnered or 'share/test' it on something or someone ultimately to confirm our new found knowledge/discovery! We do not function in a vaccum and most definitely not anymore as we are connected not only to a global audience, but for all purposes the extent of our 'social system' actually increasing via a more 'online' relationship as opposed to an 'offline' (actual facetime) relationship within our community and even neighborhood as is clearly expressed in the video 'Has the Internet Shrunk The World.' - By The Agenda with Steve Paikin. The child becomes the 'teacher' according to Nicolas Negroponte (in the same video) who advocates for the 'One Laptop per Child' program in which he points out the 'deadly cocktail' of isolation+poverty, and how "the internet ends isolation in many ways as long as you have access." So, yes the social network for which the Internet seems most popularly used for is a channel where for those who have access are a step ahead with information and connectivity for whatever purpose, business, social, politcal, or personal.

Has The Internet Shrunk The World?
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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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