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RSS Greg

Reward Points:2
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1 point

A part of me cringes when called upon to reference edu. philosophy - it is just not my forte. Nevertheless, when reflecting upon this statement, I keep coming back to how we are social creatures. I think this is at the heart of why "ultimately" I am leaning towards our learning being a social, not individual, experience.

But surely we learn things on our own... yes, I thing we do. But we confirm our learnings with those around us, we share our learnings with others, and by doing this our learning experience changes.

1 point

All learning is ultimately social, thus students should have opportunities to learn all skills, knowledge and concepts socially.

I'm dropping my co-moderator role for the sake of adding weight to this side of the cyber-debate. The snarky and crotchety tone is intended, but hopefully not one that is truly my own.

Defining individual words on our own only gets us so far; we must work together to make sense of this statement. I am confident that ultimately you will see things our way. And it is the ultimate steps where true learning takes place. We can collaboratively reflect upon how one might learn something on their own, but ultimately that person would share their experience with others. By sharing that experience with others that learning ultimately was a social experience.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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