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satyajitbag(2) Clarified
1 point

I agree that Mr. Gutenberg's social learning had helped him to materialise his idea of printer. I strongly believe Johannes Gutenberg was not the only person who had been experiencing the similar needs of the society. So, among many of the geniuses with similar social conditions, similar knowledge base and similar resources it was him to getting into something new. But yes, again being human it is quite unrealistic to avoid shadow of social share in pure sense.

1 point

You and me both are social and we have been learning almost everything through social understanding. But there are people in this world who have learnt things themselves. I would like to draw your attention towards the term "invention". Over the centuries humans are inventing new techniques(technologies) to face the nature or to make life easier. German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented first ever printer in the history. So did he learn how to make a printer from anyone? This applies to any original thinker or inventor who did it themselves. Of course most of the inventions are from social learning , but my target inventor are those who did it themselves. Hence I believe all learning does not have to be social.

On the other side, It is also true that inventions are modified and adjusted to the need of the society.

Lastly, I would say social set up gives us pleasure to learn and think differently. This is a fact that a creative person foresees what others would think of his creations and that plays a role in forming ideas. Though learning is mostly related to social compromises, it is possible to have learning without it to be social.

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