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Jbonnalie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jbonnalie's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Semantics aside, it's clear from our reading and the reflections of online colleagues that learning can be either social or individual, and that the most valuable learning experiences are not conditional on social environment alone. Rather, each learner develops as the result of a combination of both social and individual experiences, with the increments constantly evolving depending upon time, space, situation and circumstances. While it may be fair to say that most learning occurs as a social experience, independent learning experiences are no less valuable and no less important to the development of the learner, and it would be to the detriment of the individual to make assumptions about how they learn best without the flexibility to facilitate alternative options. Ultimately, it's about what's best for the learner, not what's convenient for the theorists. We must always remember to put the learner at the centre of the experience.

1 point

Body, in which an infant explores the ways in which his or her body works and interacts with the world, such as making funny sounds or discovering what happens in a fall.

2 points

Sensitization is a non-associative learning process in which repeated administrations of a stimulus results in the progressive amplification of a response.[1] Sensitization often is characterized by an enhancement of response to a whole class of stimuli in addition to the one that is repeated. For example, repetition of a painful stimulus may make one more responsive to a loud noise. (Wikipedeia)

1 point

The statement clearly uses the term “all” when referring to learning skills, knowledge and concepts socially. In the oxford dictionary, “all” means the whole quantity of a group or thing. This statement then, does not take into account individual learning, stages of cognitive development, individual learning styles, and, learning through the exploration of using ones own senses. Not all knowledge therefore is learned socially. Some knowledge is gained by experience of manipulating objects and within the environment.

1 point

Yes, that's right not ALL learning is social. Good meaningful learning can often be best achieved when it is done alone.

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