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Cfiordilino's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

When people are measured in absolutes such as ALL, there is a risk that one will consider it false or unreliable. People are not black and white. People are colorful. So can ALL learning really be social? Perhaps it depends on how social learning is defined. Social learning theory focuses on learning that occurs within a social context. According the J.E. Ormrod’s, Human Learning, people learn from observing, imitating or modeling others. In this context it is easier to argue that all learning is social. The flip side of social learning is independent learning. Independent learning implies doing something alone or unaided. John Briggs, author of Teaching for Quality Learning at University, says all learning is relational and involves learners relating to new information, concepts, process-and people within the social context of the environment. In practice, learning is necessarily interdependent. In essence the answer to the statement, “students should have opportunities to learn all skills, knowledge and concepts socially,” is a moot point if learning really is interdependent. In the end, it seems to come down to semantics. What is social learning? What is independent learning and are the two really independent of each other?

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